Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Attempt #2 - Let's Start Over! (new Week 1)

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted! I started a new job (with a much much longer commute) so it's been a little rough finding time and getting adjusted to my new schedule.

That being said, I haven't been keeping up with my workouts/diet. Surprise surprise! I got a rude awakening when I realized it was Memorial Day Weekend around the corner and I have back fat. I'm pretty sure I just never noticed it before but I definitely had a bad moment of pissed off at myself before I decided it's better late than never. Luckily, I think it'll be too cold to tan here on the east coast this weekend anyway, but here we go!

I took these photos today, and I have started to watch my diet and do some moderate/intense workouts lately so I probably look a little better than before these pictures were taken. Actually, I think I've tightened up a bit since my last post here. Anyway, here we gooooooooo!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 1-2

So this whole blog idea didn't come to me until tonight, actually.

Last week, I was so irritated that my legging waistband would not stay put. It would (and still does) roll down constantly. Of course, my misplaced annoyance usually led me to, "Damn cheapass leggings!" Instead of, "My belly's getting a big round..." But last week, I had a small epiphany.

I ordered some DVDs, specifically the Beach Babe DVD by Tone It Up. It came with a digital download which meant I could start working out asap instead of waiting the 3-odd days it would take to come through the mail.

I don't know what drove me to it, but I snapped some photos before I started the workout (and after a hefty dinner). This is the nightmare that was documented:

Okay just FYI, the only editing I did was some cropping and contrast. The contrast was because I'm so daggone pale right now I blended with the tile and you couldn't get the full effect of my belly. Yum.

And a week later with somewhat regular exercise (an hour at the gym every other day and the DVDs on my non-gym days)...

 I think you see the most difference in my stomach. I've changed my diet somewhat, I have a green smoothie for breakfast every morning, I'm pretty sure it's helped a lot with my bloating. I've always had a complex/problem with my arms though, they're short and fat and always have been.

Anyway, this is my week 2 progress. I'm going to try to make the photo comparisons a weekly thing if possible. Wish me a healthy week!

Hello hello!

Isn't starting a new blog the pits? It's super exciting because you have so many ideas and thoughts to share but how do you start it off and catch peoples' attention?


Let's just get a few things out of the way.

One, I'm not going to complain about how fat I am. I'm not morbidly obese but I am overweight. I am lucky in the way that I tend to distribute weight fairly evenly and it is sometimes easy to disguise it with clothes.

Two, I am not perfect. Nobody is. And whether you prefer the word "curvy" or "voluptuous" or whatever, I'm not here to argue diction with anybody. If you don't like it, go away. I'm just here to talk about my journey, and I'm not going to tiptoe around everybody trying to be PC.

Three... I can't think of any other bullet points at the moment.

So let's just dive right in, shall we?

This is a really difficult topic for me to write about and especially to share photos with the world on. I'm normally the type of girl who will erase every single "fat" photo of myself, or edit photos to where I resemble the 125lb girl I used to be.

I'm sick and tired of looking at a picture of myself and realizing the girl with the wide face and the double chin is now me.

I've always had fluctuating weight, I'm mostly skinny when I'm single and heavier when I'm in a relationship, as I'm sure is the case with most people. Anyway, long story short, my biggest problem is that I love food. I literally love food. I love pasta most of all, but I love spicy, salty, carb-loaded, red meated food. Thankfully, God has evened it out so I don't have much of a taste for sweets (except for... ahem... that time of the month), but nevertheless, my enthusiasm for all things edible is my biggest downfall. I'll eat anything and everything and most of the time, the subpar food is my favorite. i.e., the pasta at my dining hall in college was my favorite. I did happen to have very athletic friends, however, so my twice a day for 9 months straight of pasta didn't quite catch up to me.

I used to have an amazing metabolism too, and I think I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that my metabolism is only as high as how hard I exercise. I burned endless calories when I was younger. Dance, field hockey, equestrian, surfing, swimming, softball, tennis... All in a week's work.

Anyway, it's easy for me to turn a blind eye to my own weight and let it go. I'm hoping seeing these unflattering pictures of myself will help me get up off my bum and get moving!