Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 1-2

So this whole blog idea didn't come to me until tonight, actually.

Last week, I was so irritated that my legging waistband would not stay put. It would (and still does) roll down constantly. Of course, my misplaced annoyance usually led me to, "Damn cheapass leggings!" Instead of, "My belly's getting a big round..." But last week, I had a small epiphany.

I ordered some DVDs, specifically the Beach Babe DVD by Tone It Up. It came with a digital download which meant I could start working out asap instead of waiting the 3-odd days it would take to come through the mail.

I don't know what drove me to it, but I snapped some photos before I started the workout (and after a hefty dinner). This is the nightmare that was documented:

Okay just FYI, the only editing I did was some cropping and contrast. The contrast was because I'm so daggone pale right now I blended with the tile and you couldn't get the full effect of my belly. Yum.

And a week later with somewhat regular exercise (an hour at the gym every other day and the DVDs on my non-gym days)...

 I think you see the most difference in my stomach. I've changed my diet somewhat, I have a green smoothie for breakfast every morning, I'm pretty sure it's helped a lot with my bloating. I've always had a complex/problem with my arms though, they're short and fat and always have been.

Anyway, this is my week 2 progress. I'm going to try to make the photo comparisons a weekly thing if possible. Wish me a healthy week!

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